Does Lineal Deodorant stain clothes?
Lineal Deodorant does not contain any ingredient that is known to stain. Also, the deodorant does not contain any colouring agents that may leach into clothing. Importantly, we have performed multiple tests before launch and one such test was a stain test. In all our testing we experienced no long term staining on clothing. The natural waxes and butters may leave a slight impression (barely noticeable) on clothing on warmer days. But, this would always wash off after regular laundry.

If you are experiencing staining of clothes post application , there could be various underlying factors causing it like complex interaction of skin lipids, sebum , individual composition of sweat (not all humans sweat the same), consumption of medicines or dietary supplements that trace the sweat, cleaning agents, content of minerals of trace elements in the tap water and the constitution of the fabric itself.