How do I identify whether an email is or is not from Lineal Deodorant?

How do I identify whether an email is or is not from Lineal Deodorant?

Suspicious or fraudulent emails not from Lineal Deodorant may contain:
A reference to a payment source that Lineal Deodorant does not accept, such as PayPal or COD. Lineal Deodorant currently only accepts credit cards, debit cards, and Gift Cards for payment.
A request to update payment information that is not linked to an order you placed on or your Lineal Deodorant account.
Links to websites not affiliated with Lineal Deodorant. You should be able to hover over a link without clicking it to show the website address associated with the link. If the link shows a site other than or a site that is not a legitimate Lineal Deodorant domain, then it is likely phishing.
An order confirmation for an item you didn't purchase or an attachment to an order confirmation. If you are a Lineal Deodorant customer, go to your Account and view Your Order History to see if there is an order that matches the details in the correspondence. If you are not a Lineal Deodorant customer, feel free to contact us to verify whether the email is associated with an actual order.
Typos, grammatical errors, or unconventional formatting.
A generic email address with Lineal in the email, for example or a “noreply” email address from a site not associated with Lineal Deodorant. Lineal will never send communications from personal or generic email accounts. Order-related emails typically come from or another email address.
Forged email addresses to make it look like the email is coming from Your email program may allow you to hover over or click on an email address to view its original source.